Pfaff 130


The Queens Day is one of the most famous holidays in the Netherlands. It’s on 30 of April and usually it starts in the evening of the 29. On the Queens day, Dutch people go to the streets to sell everything, always with something orange  dressed and of course with a lot of beer and music surrounding! The streets are pure open markets, it´s the only day where taxes are not charged (here you pay for everything,literally!),which means that everybody tries to sell the whole house, the garbage and all the stuff that they need to get rid of! There is a lot of junk and broken stuff, but you can find some beautiful things!

This Pfaff was what I got, I found it in the middle of the street! It´s perfect with some small age scars,it was really cheap (10 euros!!) and it works! I just need to clean it and put it beautiful, find a leather rope to make the connection, and voilá! It was amazing to find, in the drawer, the instruction book (in dutch…I’ll have some headaches, it’s good to improve my dutch skills!),  a lot of different feet, needles, a pincushion and some drawers and tools! I feel that the machine brings a story together, someone was using it for a long while (I hope so!!).

Carry the machine was also an adventure, cars are not allowed in the center, everybody is drunk and you can barely walk in the streets! Plus,it weights more and less the same as me! But with good friends,it arrived safe at home! Now I don’t get tired of looking to it and wonder about all the stories!And it fits quite good in my living room!!!

I’m happy!

Have a nice week!

4 Responses to “Pfaff 130”

  1. Andorinha Says:

    Tu és maluca! Trouxeram uma máquina de costura às costas no Queen’s Day?!?! Gandas malucos! 😀 Parabéns pela aquisição, é bem bonita, and let’s not even talk about the price!! :))

  2. tia Rosa Says:

    Parabéns Mariana!
    A máquina, além da sua história e do seu tempo, fez-me lembrar a da avó Laura que foi onde aprendi a coser…há já alguns…( muitos) anos!A da avó era igual, mas da Singer.Adorei o telefonema de à bocado!Bjs

  3. Deva Says:

    Que bonita.
    Hoje lembrei-me deste post, comprei uma singer bem antiga; amanhã se conseguir irei por no blog 🙂 estou tão contente.

  4. ivy Says:

    hahaha, the machine reminds me to call my mom tonight….
    she used the same type machine to make skirts for me when I was a little girl….

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